ctp 3.3.1 Create Caribbean Community and Diaspora – Kunstaktion von Jean-Ulrick Désert

Vor und nach den Aufführungen von „Fortschritt Karbik“ lädt der haitianische Künstler Jean-Ulrick Désert zu einer Kunstaktion ein…

Zeigt Solidarität und werdet Mitglied der heimatlosen karibischen Gemeinschaft!

Mehr über seine Kunstprojekte findet Ihr auf www.jeanulrickdesert.com .

Beginn von create caribbean community and diaspora: 19:30 Uhr

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Berlin based artist jean-ulrick désert (born in haiti, west indies) will offer „Create caribbean community and diaspora“ passports to theater spectators who provide him with a passport photo.

The Kunstaktion will take place at each presentation and highlights the spirit of international solidarity as well as the limits of national privilege. Jean-Ulrick desert works in many mediums on various themes creating objects as well as experiences more of his art projects may be seen at www.jeanulrickdesert.com

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